second harvest food bank kennewick

SH1 out of every 7 people in southeastern and south central Washington – including 1 in 4 children – is hungry or at-risk of hunger, according to recent research by Feeding America.

1 out of every 10 people at risk or hungry are seniors.

The need for food assistance in the Columbia Basin is greater than ever. Food banks, meal centers and other hunger-relief programs are becoming more crucial as government food assistance and other social service programs are cut.

The face if hunger has changed. Many of those standing in line at a food bank have never sought assistance before, have largely had middle class incomes, and are older with more education. Many are someone we know, someone who lives near us or provide us a service. a living wage, the current projection is that we could continue to see this higher level of need for another 3-4 years.

Both cash and food donations are essential to Second Harvest’s ability to serve vulnerable families and seniors in second harvestneed, but also to keep pace with increased need.

Last year our Pasco facility distributed 6.9 million pounds of food to the Columbia Basin alone, up 25% from the year before. That’s more than 55,000 people a month through a network of 55 neighborhood food banks and meal centers.

Second Harvest transforms every dollar into 6 lbs. of donated food- about 5 meals- for a hungry family.

Donated food comes the local, regional and national food industry, as well as community food drives.

Funds raised cover transportation, packaging and other costs for Second Harvest to distribute more than half a million pounds of food per month in the Mid-Columbia. More than half of this food is nutritious fresh produce.


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