When is Mosquito Season in Your Area?

Understanding when mosquito season occurs in your area is essential for planning outdoor activities and taking precautions to avoid bites. Mosquito season varies for each location depending on factors like temperature and rainfall. Whether you’re nestled in the lush Pacific Northwest, amidst the arid plains of the Rocky Mountains, or along the humid coastal regions, […]

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Backyard

When the weather starts to warm and your family is moving outdoors, you may start to notice an irritating problem. Pesky mosquitoes appreciate the warm weather as much as we do and they can start making time in your backyard miserable. These mosquito control tips from Senske Services will show you how to get rid […]

Crane Fly Treatments

European Crane Fly The European crane fly, tipula paludosa, is a species not native to the United States. It is an introduced species that feeds on grass roots and can be a pest in turf. Other crane fly species are native to the U.S., and these insects are not considered threats to lawns. In fact, […]

Crane Fly Control

European Crane Fly The European crane fly, tipula paludosa, is a species not native to the United States. It is an introduced species that feeds on grass roots and can be a pest in turf. Other crane fly species are native to the U.S., and these insects are not considered threats to lawns. In fact, […]

Bronze Birch Borer

About the Birch Borer The bronze birch is native to north America with birch borer damage documented as far back as the 1800s. The birch borer is found just about everywhere where birch tree populations thrive, with a range that stretches from Maine and New England across the Great Lakes region into the Pacific Northwest. […]

Apple Maggot and Codling Moth

Apple and Pear growers beware!  Its is time to begin treatment for your Fruit trees.  These 2 can be a real menace to your crop.  Codling moth is usually present first they will lay eggs on the fruit or on a leaf, and the larva will burrow in to the core of the fruit to feed.  They will […]

Why Now – Understanding and Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

Why Bed Bugs and Why Now? It is not entirely clear why the increased frequency of bed bugs has hit the United States recently.  There are several reasons why we are just now hearing more about bed bugs.  The reintroduction of bed bugs into our lives started about twenty years ago with more frequent reports of bed bugs in […]

The Real Story About Bed Bugs

The Real Story Behind Bed Bugs Were you paying attention in high school biology? Not to worry, we were and that is one of the reasons to engage a professional pest control company to take care of your home and protect your family from bothersome pests like bedbugs and spiders. Bed bugs are part of a group of blood […]

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